What is the process for activating Fixed Deposits on Fintso for a Distributor already empanelled with Mahindra Finance?

What is the process for activating Fixed Deposits on Fintso for a Distributor already empanelled with Mahindra Finance?

Kindly ensure that the PAN registered with Mahindra Finance is the same as under the Fixed Deposits section in your Profile in Fintso.

The PAN will be shared with Mahindra Finance. If it matches with their records, the following steps will be followed:

1.      Mahindra Finance will send a verification link to the registered email of the distributor with a link to activate Fixed Deposits on Fintso

2.      After clicking the link, the same PAN and the Distribution Map Code (given in the email received from Mahindra Finance) need to be entered

3.      The request needs to be authenticated with an OTP to complete the process

4.      The Mahindra Finance Business team will approve the request and the activation process will be completed within 3 working days